Birth Injuries

Negative outcomes for Mum and/or baby do unfortunately occur in some births. Some of this may be mitigated by knowing as much as possible about your birth options, rights and your hospital’s policies regarding interventions. For example:

– What is the hospital policy on the duration of 2nd stage labour?

– When and how can you elect to have a caesarean delivery?

– How long will your hospital ‘allow’ you to delay induction?

But there are also situations where things just do not go to plan and a birth injury may occur. At a time when you hoped to be celebrating the birth of your new baby, you may also be dealing with trauma, mental health challenges, serious health complications, disability etc.

Looking for support from organisations who deal specifically with this might be the last thing you feel you have time for as you try to adjust in the moment. So here are just a few resources which might be of use:

The Birth Trauma Centre – a team of peer supporters: parents (one of whom is a dad) who have all experienced traumatic birth themselves and been through a process of recovery. If you’d like to talk to them over email about your experience, use [email protected] 

Mind – offering support for postnatal depression and perinatal mental health. They also host a comprehensive list of other service providers

PANDAS – host a support line as well as face-to-face and online support groups for any parent needing support due to perinatal mental illness

Birth Injury Centre – offer a support service for families who have experienced medical trauma with links to resources and legal support